Healthy Pumpkin Seed Blender Bread Recipe (paleo, GAPS) - It's A Love/love Thing (2024)

Healthy Pumpkin Seed Blender Bread Recipe (paleo, GAPS) - It's A Love/love Thing (1)

by Danielle

Healthy Pumpkin Seed Blender Bread Recipe (paleo, GAPS) - It's A Love/love Thing (2)

So, pumpkin seeds have been our thing as of late.

I haven’t wanted to try giving the kids almonds. I actually did give them a bite of homemade almond bread during the early part of the GAPS Intro Diet, but wasn’t brave enough to give it twice.

But pumpkin seeds, I could do.

So I messed around a little while with the recipe, and here it is.

  • Gluten-free
  • Grain-free
  • Nut-free
  • Dairy-free option
  • Egg-white-free option
  • Refined-sugar-free
  • Pretty stinkin’ yummy, to boot


Pumpkin Seed Blender Bread – Paleo, GAPS


  • 2 1/2 cupspumpkin seeds, preferably soaked overnight and dehydrated
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, ghee, or butter (remember to cook and bake with healthy fats!)
  • 3 eggs – OR – if staying away from egg whites, use 3 egg yolks and be sure to add: 1/3 cup water blended with 1 tablespoon grass-fed gelatin, blended till frothy, to the ingredients in your blender. (I use this to blend and I love it! It’s so inexpensive and convenient!)
  • 3 tablespoons honey or a little more to taste
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla – learn how to make your own vanilla extract!
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt


Healthy Pumpkin Seed Blender Bread Recipe (paleo, GAPS) - It's A Love/love Thing (3)


  1. This is so simple! Combine all ingredients in blender or food processor, and blend/process until the seeds are thoroughly blended into the mixture. If you’re using a high-speed blender, start at low and work your way up to high speed. It will turn quite thick and pasty – that’s okay! Scrape with a spatula/spoon into a greased bread pan.
  2. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. It’s done when a knife or toothpick inserted will come out clean. Allow to cool. Drizzle each slice with a little honey before serving.


You can add a banana in there if you want to! Or any fruit or dried fruit.

If you love grain-free breads, be sure to check out this list of the top ten grain-free breads from Healy Eats Real! 🙂

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Healthy Pumpkin Seed Blender Bread Recipe (paleo, GAPS) - It's A Love/love Thing (4)




24 thoughts on “Healthy Pumpkin Seed Blender Bread Recipe (paleo, GAPS)”

  1. This looks so yummy! I love pumpkin bread so I wonder how pumpkin seed bread will measure up?
    Thanks for sharing 🙂


    • Thanks Giselle! Well, this bread only has pumpkin seeds in it, but you could definitely add some pumpkin puree to it, I bet it would be fabulous! Thanks for stopping by! <3


  2. This sounds delicious, Danielle! I don’t know if I could ever get my kids to leave pumpkin seeds alone in order to make it, though. Haha. Thanks for sharing this at Savoring Saturdays! 😉


  3. Can’t wait to try this bread. I have been making my own pumpkin and sunflower seed flours lately for baking. I just made some really good crackers, and am interested in trying your bread recipe!


    • Wonderful, Sam! 🙂 Making seed flour is something I have never done before! Sounds like a great idea! You have a great blog with some really great recipes! I searched for your cracker recipe but couldn’t find one. I’d love for you to share it if you ever get it up on your blog! Thanks for stopping by!! <3


    • I would love to find your blog, too. We do lots of things with pumpkin seeds…but would love to see your recipes….could you post or send me a link, please!


  4. That sounds really good! I need to start ordering from Azure…. been meaning to, have just been putting it off. Thanks for the reminder!


  5. Good stuff!!! We love pumpkin seeds!! And they are sooooo good for you. I buy mine in 25lb boxes from We also make a fake parmeasan cheese that is good with em. Great idea….thanks!!!


  6. Can you be more specific about dehydrating the soaked seeds? How long do you dehydrate them for – until they are dry again? Thanks!


    • Hi Cecily! I have a post coming up soon about that, but in the meantime, here’s what you do: soak some raw seeds (no shells!) in water and add a couple teaspoons sea salt. Soak overnight, and then you can dehydrate them until dry, or you can set your oven on its lowest setting and dry that way. This helps neutralize some anti-nutrients and enzyme inhibitors that make the seeds more difficult to digest.


  7. Do you think it would work a Egg Free? if so any tips on what sort of replacement would work best?


    • Hi Skye! I haven’t made it egg free, but you could try it this way: keep the gelatin that I called for in the recipe. Also add 1/2 cup applesauce to the mix. See how that fares for you – I’ve used the applesauce trick in this recipe: and it worked out pretty well. You might have to mess around with it a bit, but I think it should work. Best of luck!! I know how tricky egg-free baking can be!! <3


  8. Do you think this recipe would work being Egg Free? if so what sort of Egg replacer would you recommend?


  9. HI! I’m an almost 18 year old teenage girl with a massive GI problem, leaving me alone with very few things to eat. I’m so happy I saw this recipe and I am now making some right now! Yesterday I made some pumpkin pie filling using this recipe but replaced the seeds for two cups of pumpkin puree! It’s amazing!! I bought some seeds today and now I can’t wait to take the loaf out of the oven! Thank you!


    • Hi Joelle! I’m so glad you’re trying it out! And I am so sorry to hear about your GI problem. It’s good to know you’re eating clean – that is where the healing begins. Have you ever heard of the Paleo, GAPS, or AIP protocol for gut healing? Just thought I’d ask. Best wishes and prayers for your full recovery. <3


  10. If I add a banana to make it banana bread, does it change the consistency? Make it too soggy? Or should I add a tsp of coconut flour to keep it from becoming mush when it bakes?


  11. Pingback: GAPS Diet Resources - It's a love/love thing

  12. its not very easy to print from this page due to all he adverts, would be nice to have a print option please


    • I will take that into consideration, thank you! I’ve had a tough time with recipe plugins, so I will see what I can do. Have a beautiful day!


  13. Just made this with 1/2 cup applesauce and the gelatin egg white replacement, and it looks even better than last time when I made it with eggs! I’m sure it’ll taste great, too, but the rise is so much better. It actually looks like a normal loaf of bread! I also only had to cook mine about 42min. Not sure if it was the difference of the egg or maybe my oven runs hot. Anyway, we love this bread.


    • I am so happy to hear that, Erin!!! <3 You made my day.


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Healthy Pumpkin Seed Blender Bread Recipe (paleo, GAPS) - It's A Love/love Thing (2024)
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