Tasty Vegan Coronation Chicken Recipe | Vegan Sandwich Filler (2024)

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This vegan coronation chicken is a delightful twist on the British classic sandwich filler. Made with simple ingredients, mashed chickpeas for texture, creamy mayonnaise and mango chutney.

This is a great way to brighten up your vegan lunch for sure!

As a means to continue our quest to cover all the Vegan Sandwich Fillers – this tasty vegan chickpea coronation chicken recipe was next up.

With a delightful creamy egg free vegan mayonnaise, lightly spiced mild curry powder and sweet, juicy raisins, it makes for a tasty alternative sandwich filler.

A quintessential British Classic, which has been rumoured to be a favourite food of Queen Elizabeth.

Tasty Vegan Coronation Chicken Recipe | Vegan Sandwich Filler (1)

It is great as another Cold Vegan Packed Lunch for work, the kids also enjoy it packed for school.

I even love to eat it straight up it is that tasty! This creamy curried chickpea recipe is literally bursting with flavour.

  • Tasty
  • Creamy
  • Easy
  • Moreish
  • Nourishing

What is Coronation Chickpea Salad?

This Coronation chickpea salad is a nod to the British classic “Coronation Chicken” but obviously a fully vegan version.

The original “Coronation Chicken” was created to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953.

Although British food generally is not the most flavoursome – I was pleased with how this turned out! The Brits do love a good sandwich – evidenced by the ever popular afternoon tea.

“Coronation Chicken” is easily recognisable by its bright yellow colour, given to it by the tumeric or haldi in the curry powder. More sophisticated versions calls for curry paste.

A beautiful addition to this recipe calls for juicy, plump raisins. However some recipes utilise chopped apricots.

Tasty Vegan Coronation Chicken Recipe | Vegan Sandwich Filler (2)

How to Make This Recipe

  1. Drain the can of chickpeas and rinse
  2. Mash with the back of a fork or masher to your desired consistency. You can leave some whole or don’t mash at all – it’s all personal preference. Mashing does allow for the recipe to bind better however.
  3. Add the vegan mayonnaise, mango chutney, curry powder, salt and pepper and raisins – stir through
  4. Add this delicious coronation chickpea recipe to some fresh bread, topped with coriander for a gorgeous sandwich.

Equipment Needed

  • Medium sized mixing Bowl
  • Potato Masher or Fork
  • Can opener (if using canned chickpeas)

How To Serve

This vegan coronation chicken recipe would work great for a packed lunch, picnic, afternoon tea or for dinner.

Pair it in a sandwich with these Easy Vegan Sweetcorn Scones for proper afternoon tea British vibes.

It is not only great as a delicious. tasty sandwich filler, but goes alongside salads beautifully too.

Here are some of my favourite ways to enjoy this

  • jacket potato
  • Sandwiched in crusty bread
  • In a baguette
  • As part of a salad
  • Buddha Bowl
Tasty Vegan Coronation Chicken Recipe | Vegan Sandwich Filler (3)

Coronation Chickpea Salad Ingredients

The ingredients for this lightly spiced chickpea salad are fairly simple, you may even already have them in your pantry at home.

  • Canned Chickpeas
  • Mango Chutney
  • Curry Powder
  • Vegan Mayonnaise
  • Raisins
  • Salt/Pepper
  • Red Onion

Some people prefer the mock meat texture over chickpeas, in which case you can simple omit the chickpeas and use the rest of the ingredients to make it work.

I love the ease of canned chickpeas, especially good quality ones I often find in my local Turkish shop.

They are so much plumper and softer than some other chickpeas I have found.

The chickpeas provide a strong protein punch with added nutritional values of high iron content. I am forever looking for easy and quick lunches to take to work with minimal preparation.

I often make a batch of this at the start of the week and easily get 3 meals out of it.

The ingredients are usually stored in my pantry too which makes it a great back up plan if I’ve not got much else in!

This vegan chickpea coronation chicken is a must try and is sure to impress if you are whipping up an easy, tasty lunch for pals.

I am obsessed with mango chutney, so it brings the flavours together beautifully in this tasty vegan sandwich filler.

I really love being able to bring the flavour of my favourite dinner, which is curry into a sandwich form. This Jackfruit Curry is utterly delicious!

Tasty Vegan Coronation Chicken Recipe | Vegan Sandwich Filler (4)

How to Store This Coronation Chickpea Salad

This recipe can be stored in an airtight container for around 2-3 days. It will start to lose it’s freshness and quality after this and as always, it is the best on the day it is made!

Can I Freeze This?

I do not recommend freezing this vegan coronation chicken, simply because it contains mayonaisse.

The mayonaisse may freeze ok however upon defrosting it will start to separate and leave a not very pleasant result.

Yield: 2-3 portions

Tasty Vegan Coronation Chicken Recipe | Vegan Sandwich Filler (5)

This vegan coronation chicken is a delightful twist on the British classic sandwich filler. Made with simple ingredients, mashed chickpeas for texture, creamy mayonnaise and mango chutney. This is a great way to brighten up your vegan lunch for sure!

Prep Time5 minutes

Total Time5 minutes


  • 1 can of chickpeas (approx. 250g)
  • 3 tbsp vegan mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp mango chutney
  • 1 tsp mild curry powder
  • 1 tbsp raisins
  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  • 2 slices of bread
  • Corriander


  1. Drain the can of chickpeas and rinse
  2. Mash with the back of a fork or masher to your desired consistency. You can leave some whole or dont mash at all - it's all personal preference.
  3. Add the vegan mayonnaise, mango chutney, curry powder, salt and pepper and raisins - stir through
  4. Add this delicious coronation chickpea recipe to some fresh bread, topped with corriander for a gorgeous sandwich.


1) Thie vegan coronoation chicken is delicious as a sandwich, but also works great on top of a jack potato, in a baguette or as part of a salad bowl.

2) Store in an air tight container in the fridge for up to 3 days

3) You can used chickpeas home cooked from dry if you prefer, canned chickpeas offer a quick alternative

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 236Total Fat: 9gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 7gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 257mgCarbohydrates: 33gFiber: 5gSugar: 9gProtein: 7g

this is an estimate

Make sure to let us know what you think of this recipe. We love to see your creations. You can tag us on instagram with @yumveganblog

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Tasty Vegan Coronation Chicken Recipe | Vegan Sandwich Filler (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.