Zoom Teeth Whitening Indianapolis IN | How to Whiten Teeth (2024)

Who doesn’t want a whiter smile? Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments at the DentalSpa in Indianapolis, IN. Dr. Amy Marckese offers multiple options for teeth whitening, including Opalescence Boost and customized Opalescence take-home teeth whitening kits.

In cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening may be the quickest, easiest, and most affordable way to transform your smile. Our whitening options are safe and effective, designed to minimize tooth and gum sensitivity and yield the best results.

Zoom Teeth Whitening Indianapolis IN | How to Whiten Teeth (1)

About Professional Teeth Whitening in Indianapolis, IN

Professional teeth whitening is an easy and affordable way to transform your smile. Over the years, your smile will begin to dull and stain. Discoloration or yellow teeth may make too embarrassed to smile. Our dentist office office offers several treatments that use a high concentration of bleaching agents that offer fast and effective results. There are many store bought or over the counter products you can buy however, results can be unpredictable, unsafe, and not guaranteed.

Having your teeth whitening from a dentist offers professional supervision to ensure the products you are using are safe. The will reduce the likelihood of uneven results or unwanted side effects. Your dentist will also address any underlying dental problems to ensure optimal oral health. Furthermore, your teeth whitening treatment will customized to treat your needs.

At DentalSpa, Dr. Amy Marckese offers two professional teeth whitening treatments: Opalescence and Zoom teeth whitening.

The Benefits of Opalescence

Opalescence is a revolutionary brand that offers professional teeth whitening products. The Opalescence take-home teeth whitening kit is a convenient and affordable way for you to whiten your teeth. You can achieve in-office results from the comforts of your own home. The kit includes the innovative whitening gel, custom-fit teeth whitening tray, tray case, and shade guide.

Opalescence bleaching gel is made with potassium nitrate and fluoride which will help remove tough stains and discoloration from your teeth. With the custom fit tray, the whitening gel will be evenly administered on your teeth without harming your gums or tooth enamel. Most patients will need to wear the trays for a few hours per day, depending on the concentration of your gel. You will begin to see results within a few weeks of consistent use.

Opalescence is specially formulated with PF (potassium nitrate and fluoride) that helps to:

  • Prevent dehydration
  • Reduce tooth sensitivity
  • Improve shade retention

How The Zoom!™ Teeth Whitening Process Works

The Zoom teeth whitening procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • Preparation: Our dental staff will take the necessary steps to protect your gums and lips. It is important that your soft tissues are not exposed to the whitening gel or light for your safety. We will place a cover over your gums and lips. This will ensure that only your teeth receive treatment. Treatment can be harmful or cause sensitivity in your gums. Once we cover your gums and lips, your dentists will give your protective eye wear.
  • Application: Once you are prepared for treatment, Dr. Marckese will apply the bleaching gel to your teeth. This specially formulated bleaching agent contains a hydrogen peroxide-based gel that will break down surface stains and remove them.
  • Light Activation: Once the bleaching gel is in place, we place the Zoom light over your teeth. This is designed to activate the bleaching gel and accelerate the whitening process. It helps penetrate the enamel more effectively to give faster results.
  • Multiple Sessions: This process is repeated several times. It typically takes three to four 15 minute whitening sessions. Each time your dentist will apply the gel and direct the light at your teeth.

Once you are done with your Zoom!™ Teeth Whitening in Indianapolis, IN, you will notice that your teeth are up to 8 shades whiter. The results are noticeable after one visit and should last you a few years if you care for your teeth properly.

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Teeth Whitening FAQs

Professional teeth whitening is an easy and convenient way to brighten your smile. Learn more about the treatments by reading through the frequently asked questions. If you have further questions or concerns, contact us today.

How does professional teeth whitening compare to over the counter options?

There are many over the counter options for dental whitening including whiting toothpaste, whitening strips, and gels. For patients who want the best results, professional treatment is still the best choice. DentalSpa offers teeth whitening systems with custom fit trays to ensure even whitening of the teeth.

In addition, our products are specially formulated to reduce tooth sensitivity, a common side effect of whitening.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

Teeth whitening is one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry treatments available. The cost of your whitening treatment will depend on the type of whitening you choose and your desired outcome.

In office whitening costs an average of $500 per treatment and at home whitening can range between $250 and $500 depending on the system you choose. Refills for touch up treatment may be an additional cost. Contact our office for more specific details.

Will teeth whitening cause my teeth to be more sensitive?

One of the more common side effects of dental whitening is tooth sensitivity. Dr. Marckese carefully supervises teeth whitening treatments to ensure minimal side effects. The products we use are specially formulated to virtually eliminate sensitivity.

How long does whitening last?

The results of teeth whitening will vary based on each individual. Most patients can expect whitening to last six months to a year. Touch-up treatment every four to six months can help extend the treatment results. Visiting the dentist regularly and avoiding smoking and dark foods will also help to keep your teeth white and bright.

What to avoid when doing teeth whitening?

While doing and after teeth whitening patients should avoid wine, coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, candy, fish, chicken, bread, pasta, and cheese. All of these are likely to stain your teeth or cause sensitivity.

How long after teeth whitening can I see results?

Patients typically begin to see the effects of teeth whitening within the first 24 hours. The whiteness will gradually increase for the next couple of days.

Book Your Appointment For Teeth Whitening in Indianapolis, In

Contact our dentist in Indianapolis today to learn more about our teeth whitening services and to schedule your consultation with Dr. Amy Marckese. Call your dentist in Indianapolis at 866.486.0230, or schedule an appointment onlinetoday.

Zoom Teeth Whitening Indianapolis IN | How to Whiten Teeth (2024)
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